Enable Block: 

Install Pipes To Empty Groundwater; Green Brigade Furious

Environmental clearances granted last year to Public Works Department for sand quarrying in 21 places on the river beds of Coleroon and Cauvery are now under the scrutiny of the National Green Trib

नई दिल्ली : नेशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल के निर्देश पर वृक्षों की सुरक्षा के लिए उसके आसपास से कंक्रीट हटाने का काम तो शुरू किया गया है, लेकिन इसमें सावधानी नहीं बरती जा रही है। जिससे वृक्षों को नुकसान प

By suggesting that even coal extraction falls within provisions of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and its specifi c provision of access and benefi t-sharing, the Madhya Pradesh State Biodiversity Board has raised important questions relating to the interpretation of the law. While the principle of profit sharing from commercial use of biological sources is justifi able, the authors argue that the principle of the conservation ethic should not be lost.

The association of sand — humanity’s most prominent symbol of ephemera — with the idea of permanence would be ironic but for the duality inherent in nature.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sarang Yadwadkar & Others Vs Mrs. Anjali Dinkar Datar & Others dated 16/08/2013 regarding dumping of debris and other materials and construction on the river bank and causing pollution and changing the course of the river Mutha.

Tribunal directs removal of debris dumped on the river bed and proper disposal in accordance with law. The Tribunal also made it clear that any dumping of debris or waste on the river bed, i.e., the blue line or even the green area of river Mutha is prohibited. 

Bypassing Supreme Court directions to declare a 10km radius around Okhla bird sanctuary as eco-sensitive, the Uttar Pradesh forest department has moved a proposal to reduce it to just one kilometre

The Supreme Court today asked the National Green Tribunal to consider within a week the plea of Madhya Pradesh government seeking modification of its order putting a blanket ban on sand mining with

In a major setback to realty projects in Noida, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Wednesday ordered the Noida Authority to stop construction work of all projects which do not have requisite envi

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Amit Kumar Vs Union of India & Others regarding construction work going on within 10 km radius of Okhla Bird Sanctuary dated 14/08/2013.

The Applicant (Amit Kumar) is directed to point out the identity of other buildings which are allegedly within the radius of 10 km from Okhla Bird Sanctuary. 
