This knowledge brief, produced in partnership with Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), proposes a new approach to identify and track cooling transactions, a first step toward understanding current finance commitments and acting on growing global needs for sustainable cooling solutions.

Since 2011, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) has produced The Global Landscape of Climate Finance series (the Landscape), which is the most comprehensive inventory of climate change investment available.

The Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape report, developed by Sustainable Energy for All in partnership with Climate Policy Initiative and produced annually since 2017, provides a comprehensive analysis of commitments flowing to the two key areas of energy access: electrification and clean cooking.

Four years after world leaders negotiated the Paris Climate Agreement, now signed by 195 countries around the world and ratified by 187, national policies and market signals are starting to reflect the urgency both of increasing finance for mitigation of and adaptation to the effects of climate change, and of making all financial flows consisten

Finance is key to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), which aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. However, less than one-fourth of the investment required for universal electricity access is taking place.

Climate finance continues to be the central issue in how the global community proposes to follow through with implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Access to sustainable energy underpins many aspects of a healthy, sustainable economy. It is a child’s ability to turn on lights to study at night and connect to the internet, a family’s ability to cook indoors without inhaling smoke, and a business’s ability to operate and grow, creating jobs and opportunities.

Mobilizing investments by institutional investors, foreign and domestic, is a requisite for India to meet its clean energy targets. India needs an additional ~450 billion of capital by 2040 to reach ~480GW of renewable energy capacity.