In order to meet international climate goals, there is a collective challenge to “shift the trillions” in private capital to help drive the transition to a zero carbon, climate-resilient economy. Public sources of finance will not be able to meet this demand on their own.

Climate finance continues to be the central issue in how the global community proposes to follow through with implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Two years since the negotiation of the Paris Agreement, the global community faces significant challenges in mobilizing the climate investment required to meet the Paris Agreement shared goal of limiting global warming to, at most, two degrees Celsius and to adapt to climate impacts.

This report provides recommendations on the design and distribution of policymakers and development finance institutions' policy and financing tools to enable fast and cost-effective deployment of geothermal in developing countries.

This report is part of a project carried out by Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) for the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) which will focus on the effective use of public finance to scale up geothermal deployment in developing countries.