Four years after world leaders negotiated the Paris Climate Agreement, now signed by 195 countries around the world and ratified by 187, national policies and market signals are starting to reflect the urgency both of increasing finance for mitigation of and adaptation to the effects of climate change, and of making all financial flows consisten

As 2015 draws to a close, there is a strong hope that the Paris Climate Summit could represent a turning point in the global fight against climate change.

This “Background Report on Long-term Climate Finance” was prepared by Climate Policy Initiative and CICERO for the German G7 Presidency 2015.

In December 2015, countries will gather in Paris to finalize a new global agreement to tackle climate change. Decisions about how to unlock finance in support of developing countries’ low-carbon and climate-resilient development will be a central part of the talks.

The Landscape of Climate Finance 2013 (Landscape 2013) report is the third edition of Climate Policy Initiative’s (CPI) annual inventory of the climate finance that is flowing in, to, and between countries each year.

This new report by Climate Policy Initiative finds that emerging economies such as China, Brazil, and India received one-third of global mitigation-directed climate finance flows; notably, most of these investments were raised domestically and invested in pursuit of development mandate.

Multilateral and bilateral intermediaries are a crucial part of the climate finance landscape.

This paper compares model estimates of national and sectoral GHG mitigation potential across six key OECD GHG-emitting economies: Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, Mexico and the US.

This paper first reviews proposals for the design of sectoral and related market mechanisms currently debated, both in the UNFCCC negotiations, and in different domestic legislative contexts. Secondly, it addresses the possible principles and technical requirements that Parties may wish to consider as the foundations for further elaboration of the mechanisms.

Sectoral approaches are proposed as a means to broaden the global scope of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation to developing countries. Market mechanisms are put forward in that context to create incentives for mitigation in developing countries beyond the existing Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and to