This report analyses international financial institutions' energy portfolios, identifies best practices, and develops an innovative methodological approach to show these organizations how they can adjust their approach to deliver on their mandates to increase economic productivity and meet environmental and social objectives while lowering energ

In December 2015, countries will gather in Paris to finalize a new global agreement to tackle climate change. Decisions about how to unlock finance in support of developing countries’ low-carbon and climate-resilient development will be a central part of the talks.

This brief explains CPI’s understanding and definition of key climate finance terms and the reasons for these definitions to inform the debate and build a common understanding among stakeholders.

This is a case study on 100MW Rajasthan Sun Technique CSP plant, the first linear Fresnel CSP plant in India and the largest in the world. It finds that while Indian solar policy was essential to build this innovative plant it was not enough for India to deploy CSP plants at the desired level and speed.

Understanding the possible role of private actors in contributing to countries’ adaptation efforts and how to involve them in tackling countries’ adaptation priorities, can help nations achieve climate-resilient development goals more effectively.

This paper analyses potential criteria to allocate international funding for adaptation to climate change, as a response to one of the main governance challenges of international adaptation funding - the prioritization of project proposals given scarce funding.