India, China Say They Must Set Aside 1% GDP To Help Third World
Nitin Sethi | TNN

Accra: Asian rivals India and China have joined forces to make a forceful demand that rich nations set aside 0.5%-1% of the GDP to help the developing world face the challenge posed by climate change and make good their unfulfilled commitments towards cutting back on greenhouse emissions.

Nitin Sethi | TNN

With the next round of international climate change negotiations set to start from Thursday in Accra, Ghana, enough signals have emerged that the talks may not make any substantial headway.

But it could see sparks fly with India out to stub any attempts by Japan, EU and US to firm up an agenda against it and China. Speaking to TOI, Yvoe De Boer, the man in the hot seat as the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), said, "It would be difficult to discuss national targets (for GHG gas reductions) before the next US administration is in place.'

Adopts Resolution Day After SC Verdict Declaring Forests

Nitin Sethi | TNN Who is opposed to the Forest Rights Act meant to recognize rights of tribals and others over forest lands? Besides the staunch wildlife NGOs and activists, it seems the other group dead set against the Act is the retired forest officials. Now one more petition has been filed by another set of retired forest officials in the Orissa high court against the implementation of the Act. The sixth petition now sitting in the state high courts is by an ex-zamindar of the land what is now a tiger reserve and has tribals living in it.

CASHING IN ON NATURAL RESOURCES Investments in clean technologies are riding a green wave into India. In 2007, Green India Inc raised $1.4 billion through convertible bonds from the international market even as it picked up $628 million from the domestic stock market.

China and India are keen to be seen to be tackling climate change, but they insist the West must take the first constructive step, says Nitin Sethi

"Price rise' is not just an urban, big city phenomenon as some sections of the political class would like to claim. Inflation is burning a hole in pockets of residents of smaller towns across the country from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh to Ernakulum in Kerala.

Rajeev Deshpande & Nitin Sethi New Delhi: Inflation on Friday burst through the double-digit barrier to hit 11.05% as the June 5 fuel price hike hit home. With increased transport costs threatening a chain effect, the Manmohan Singh government's political woes deepened as it battled

Thwarts Bid To Put Onus On Developing Nations India may have won the first round at Bali in December 2007 but the UN meeting on climate change at Bonn from June 2-13 saw the developed countries try to alter the Bali agenda. India, along with the G-77 grouping, had to fight hard in the subsidiary meeting to defend the Bali roadmap.
