Priyanka Chandola

According to a recent study, health effects of air pollutants are worse in Asian cities.

Health effects of air pollutants worse in Asian cities economic boom in Asia has come with a price. Health effects of particulate pollutants in Asian cities are similar

Acceleration in vehicles increases ultrafine particles when vehicles accelerate after stopping at a traffic light or a bus stop, the concentration of ultrafine particles increases, says a Hong Kong-based study. Ultrafine particles, less than 0.1 micron in diameter, are a fraction of particulate matter. It is considered as a significant human health concern because of its small size, large

Delhi municipality proposes low annual parking fee at a time when stiff parking fees are fast becoming an effective deterrent against car purchasing the world over, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi is contemplating reduced parking charges. The municipality has a proposal for a yearly levy which will tantamount to vehicle owners paying far less than what they currently pay for parking.

how often have you felt irritated, even tense, while trying to make your way through car-clogged roads? New research shows that sniffing diesel fumes could well be the reason for your discomfiture.

gas-guzzlers in London's Borough of Richmond, in southwest London, will now have to pay hefty parking charges. The Richmond council cleared a plan to introduce emission-based parking charges in the

the March 31, 2003, deadline set by the Supreme Court sc for cleaning the 22 kilometre Delhi stretch of Yamuna river has come and gone. Yet the river, which is the source of 70 per cent of Delhi s drinking water, remains a dirty drain

Farmers and activists in Bastar reject high yielding rice varieties to preserve traditional varieties

luxury diesel cars may become dearer and bulk diesel consumers may no longer get fuel at subsidized rates. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas plans to impose 25 per cent cess on big diesel cars and charge industrial consumers the market price of Rs 57 per litre, Rs 22 more than the current price. The railways and state transport undertakings will be exempted from paying the market price.

the Union Ministry of Finance imposed an additional duty of Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 per vehicle on big cars and utility vehicles on June 13. The decision comes as a knee-jerk reaction to the skyrocketing international crude prices. While welcoming the move as a step forward, experts said staving off an energy crisis would require making the tax progressively harsher and linking it with fuel
