The number of child labourers has increased in Tangail as poverty forces their parents to send them to work for earning livelihood.

The Directorate of Environment on Monday fined eight establishments Tk 2.5 lakh for the first time in Chittagong for sound pollution.

Germanwatch, a German-based non-profit, research organisation published its Global Climate Risk Index-2011 in Cancun Saturday identifying Bangladesh as one of the top nations mostly vulnerable to c

A new round of UN climate talks opens on Monday with almost 200 nations meeting in Mexico in hopes of clinching an agreement on a narrow range of crunch issues dividing rich and emerging economies.
The two-week conference at the beach resort of Cancun aims to agree on funds and approaches to preserve rain forests and prepare for a hotter world.

The parliamentary standing committee on the power, energy and mineral resources ministry on Monday placed a report on the open-pit mining system, saying that it should be used in Baropukuria, Phulbari and other coalmines, but after fulfilling the necessary preconditions.
A delegation of the committee members, after a recent visit to some coalmines in Germany, submitted its report to the commit

The people to be dislodged by Barapukuria Colliery described the compensation package announced by the government on November 8 as nothing but

Around 50,000 under-five babies die from pneumonia every year in the country while the global figure is 15 lakh.

All is set to continue the health, population and nutrition sector programme for the third consecutive time involving estimated Tk 25,000 crore as the second programme ends next June, health minist

The government has undertaken a project to control pollution at Gulshan-Baridhara Lake in Dhaka with a view to ensuring environment-friendly life for the city dwellers.

waters of 54 common rivers, said foreign affairs minister Dipu Moni Saturday.
