Criticising the State Government for neglecting the farmers and agriculture sector, the Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee (OPCC) on Monday demanded that families of farmers committing suicide shou
The lease for its Panchpatmali bauxite mines having expired three days ago, the National Aluminium Company (Nalco) is pinning hopes on the November 26 Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) meeting to giv
Taking note of the mining activities outside lease hold areas in the state, Justice M B Shah Commission of Inquiry today indicated its investigation in Odisha was close to completion unless any maj
The controversial Thriveni Earth Movers, alleged to be indulging in large-scale illegal mining in the State, on Friday said the company provided all relevant documents to Justice M B Shah commissio
Refuting the State Government’s allegation that it had failed to detect irregularities in mining activities in Odisha, Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) on Wednesday said excess production of ore beyond