KANPUR: Central Leather Research Institute's (CLRI) detailed project report (DPR) about zero liquid discharge technique for tannery waste treatment plant came in for critical scrutiny at a meeting

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) adjourned the hearing of closed tanneries of Kanpur case on Monday when Central Pollution Control Board sought more time to file inspection report and fixed Septem

KANPUR: National Green Tribunal (NGT) has given permission to two out of the 91 closed tanneries of the city to operate on Friday.

KANPUR: Tannery owners of Kanpur Nagar have demanded to extend the monitoring date fixed by the Central and state pollution control boards.

KANPUR: The tannery owners of Jajmau have rejected the proposal of zero discharge treatment plant to save Ganga from pollution.

KANPUR: Tannery associations and owners have hailed National Green Tribunal (NGT) decision to allow closed tanneries, situated on the banks of the Ganga here, to operate on a trial basis for 19 day

KANPUR: The spotted pond turtle also known as black pond turtle (geoclemys hamiltonii) seized in the recent past in Mumbai and various other parts of the country, are in demand in local and interna

KANPUR: More than 65% Kanpurities are suffering from the problem of abdominal obesity, also known as beer belly, a prime reason behind cardiovascular diseases, informed experts during the continuin

Kanpur: The only mantra that can protect an individual during tremors is an earthquake resistant building, says IIT-K civil engineering department's Prof Durgesh Rai.

Muddy roads and vehicular smoke has made the city's air poisonous.
