15 November 2022 is predicted to be the day that the global population reaches eight billion. The projection is revealed in this UN’s World Population Prospects 2022 report, which also shows that India is on course to surpass China as the world’s most populous country in 2023.
Emerging economies are facing an unprecedented health and economic crisis. The synchronous collapse in global demand and the widespread disruptions in supply chains are inflicting severe economic pain through trade, financial and commodity prices channels.
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the need for businesses and investors to adjust to a world of increasing uncertainty or mounting risks. To be viable, businesses can no longer focus only on short-term financial returns; they must anticipate and prepare for future risks, including growing risks from climate change and unsustainable practices.
By the year 2050, there will be some 9.7 billion people living on Earth, says a UN population report. However, the overall growth rate will continue to fall, and more countries will have to adapt to the consequences of an ageing population.
Delhi is projected to become the most populous city in the world around 2028, according to new United Nations estimates, which said India is expected to add the largest number of urban dwellers by 2050.