Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) has issued closure notices to 32 healthcare facilities in the capital for improper disposal of biomedical waste.

Pulling up the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) for covering up its “inaction” by imposing penalties on other statutory bodies, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) this week directed it to cl

The Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), which has been unsuccessfully attempting to get new buses since 2008, is going to take another shot at augmenting its fleet, with the AAP government Thursday

The state government’s ambitious plan to store water in the Yamuna floodplains received a fillip with the state cabinet approving an inter-departmental committee report which recommends giving farm

The Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority has sought the “urgent intervention” of the Supreme Court in resolving the deadlock between the Delhi government and the Centre, which i

Cases of malaria have spiked in the Capital with as much as 51 persons affected by it in June, three times the number of people affected with dengue reported in the same month.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Westend Green Farms Society Vs Union of India & Others dated 08/07/2019 regarding restaurants/hotels/motels/banquets illegally operating in Mahipalpur and Rajokri, Delhi. Violation of law on the subjects of waste management, discharge of effluents, illegal ground water extraction, ground water contamination, emission by illegally operating diesel generators, absence of statutory consents under the Water Act 1974, Air Act 1981 and violation of conditions of consent was found.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Nuggehalli Jayasimha Vs Government of NCT of Delhi dated 08/07/2019 regarding non compliance of environment norms by the dairies operating in Delhi. It is alleged that solid, liquid and gas waste is generated and dumped into the drains which are meeting the river Yamuna and thus, this activity results in contamination of river Yamuna. The waste clogged the drainage system which was becoming breeding ground for mosquitoes and other inspects and thus creating health hazard.

The Ministry of Health released on Thursday this year's figures regarding the number of cases of vector-borne diseases like dengue, malaria and Chikungunya.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of RWA Society Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi dated 04/07/2019 regarding bad odour from the STP, Kondli in Delhi as the STP is not operated as per norms. The sludge is not being cleaned which is resulting in air pollution.
