The people of Jaitapur and the surrounding areas in Ratnagiri district have been struggling against the setting up of the giant nuclear project which will have six nuclear reactors bought from the French Areva company. This project has displaced farmers and mango orchards. The livelihood of thousands of fishermen is threatened,” the CPI (M) said in a statement here on Sunday.

Lavasa Corporation can look forward to the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) clearance in three weeks.

The Government is committed to the Jaitapur nuclear project in Maharashtra and is awaiting completion of French review of safety aspects of the EPR design, the Minister for External Affairs, Mr S.M

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) has decided to “defuse” noisy firecrackers this year.

The Bombay high court on Thursday pulled up the Maharashtra government for its inaction and for not taking a stand in the Lavasa case.

India and France have resolved to strengthen and widen bilateral ties and have made commitments to increase cooperation on a range of issues, including high end defence technology and nuclear energ

Lavasa Corporation will face action from the Maharashtra government for violation of environmental laws within the next two weeks.

With the conflict between auto rickshaw unions and drivers on one hand and the commuters on the other increasing, imaginative solutions are being sought.

New Delhi France has assured India that the proposed nuclear reactors at Jaitapur in Maharashtra would follow the highest safety standards.

The state government came up with noise rules based on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommendations in 1989.
