Kohima: As per the 2014 Sentinel Surveillance Report, Nagaland has recorded the highest prevalence of HIV & AIDS in the country with an alarming ratio of 0.88 per cent against country’s figure stands at 0.37 per cent.

According to the Medical Officer in-charge of Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) Centre, Dimapur, Dr Hutoka Sema, while presenting a lecture on ‘basic of HIV & AIDS & treatment facilities available’ at an advocacy programme on HIV/AIDS for Kuhuboto and Khaghaboto areas at Kuhuboto town under Dimapur district on Saturday.

After being bed-ridden for a month, Dilip Thapa, an HIV patient, died last week in Banepa. He was 43.

Thapa had contracted HIV virus through a syringe 17 years ago.

The review traces the unfolding of HIV epidemic in North India. The first few cases were reported in 1989 in Indians returning from African countries like Uganda, Zambia and a trickle from USA. Subsequently the cases started pouring from coastal areas of Mumbai, Chennai and finally the virus spread all over through rail and road. In the North eastern region or the golden triangle, IV drug users formed a major group. Using a simple peptide ELISA, it was documented that the virus belonged to the NOF strain. This was much before clades were identified using molecular analysis.

Fifty per cent of AIDS patients were young and parents and peer educators could play a pivotal role in raising awareness among them, said Dr BB Rewari, National Programme Officer for Anti-Retrovira

Three southern States and Maharashtra adopt new drug regimen.

Despite all efforts, HIV/AIDS continues to be a word that generates more anxiety than awareness.

Despite large gains in health over the past few decades, the distribution of health risks worldwide remains extremely and unacceptably uneven says the Lancet–University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health.

Four thousand HIV infections in a population of 20 million should not be a difficult figure to manage.

The Punjab government has allocated Rs 1.5 billion for the prevention, diagnose and treatment of HIV/AIDS patients, while the government is spending Rs 100,000 on each AIDS patient.

Sedentary lifestyle and consumption of fat-rich food and alcohol are major causes

Incidence of cardio-vascular diseases (CVD) is on the rise in East and West Godavari districts, according to a study conducted by the Rural Andhra Pradesh Cardio Vascular Healthcare System (RAPCVHS).
