That takes the country’s total cases to 346 of which 173 are men and 173 female

The report warns of emerging epidemics in some countries

A significant progress has been seen in a number of countries in Asia and the Pacific in reducing new HIV infections by over 50 per cent since 2001, but the impact appears to be slowing down with overall numbers across the region remaining largely unchanged in the past five years, a latest UN report has said. It also warns of emerging epidemics in some countries, including Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The Gauhati High Court on Saturday asked the Assam government to strictly follow the directions passed earlier on prevention and control of AIDS.

KANPUR: City based paediatrics advised parents to take extra care of their kids in winters to keep pneumonia at bay, on World Pneumonia day observed on November 12, every year.

A new study has found a 10 per cent increase in the number of HIV-infected cases in Australia, which is said to be the fastest in the last two decades.

AIDS Initiative was launched in 2003 in six States

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Avahan programme may have prevented over 6 lakh HIV infections in India over 10 years, according to a report in Lancet Global Health .

A total of 7,854 patients of AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) have been registered in various hospitals of the country by April.

Urgent calls have been made for improved understanding of changes in coverage of maternal, newborn, and child health interventions, and their country-level determinants. The researchers examined historical trends in coverage of interventions with proven effectiveness, and used them to project rates of child and neonatal mortality in 2035 in 74 Countdown to 2015 priority countries.

With the new Companies Act, 2013, making it mandatory for all the companies with a turnover of Rs 1,000 crore or net profit of Rs 5 crore or more to earmark 2 per cent of their net profit for the p

A total of 1,497 people died of infectious diseases on the Chinese mainland in August, with AIDS the top cause of death, according to figures released by health authorities on Monday.
