India may have achieved a success rate of 88 per cent in treatment of tuberculosis — higher than the global treatment success rate of 85 per cent — but HIV-TB co-infection continues to be a cause o

Stung by increasing number of positive cases of HIV/AIDS in Dharwad district, the health department has planned a week-long awareness programme 'Samagra Janajagruti Abhiyaan' in the district from M

SILCHAR: India’s National AIDS Control Programme has achieved a 50 per cent reduction in new infections over the last 10 years.

More than 6 million people across Angola, Lesotho, Malawi and Zimbabwe are at risk of severe food shortages because of repeated cycles of drought and flooding, the global humanitarian body IFRC sai

In a breakthrough, a two-year-old baby girl in the US born with HIV has been "functionally cured" for the first time, scientists have said.

Critics say that antibody therapy is too expensive for its African target population.

Against the national average of 10% among injectable drug users, the count stands much high at 40% in Amritsar and 27% in Tarn Taran

The rampant drug addiction among youths in Punjab is putting them at the risk of bigger danger — HIV infection. The HIV prevalence among injectable drug users (IDUs) is 27 per cent in Tarn Taran and 40 per cent in Amritsar, much above the national average of 10 per cent. The Opiod Substitution Therapy (OST) Centre here has over 1,000 registered male patients, of whom 180 have been regularly visiting the centre to avail the treatment. Amritsar too has an OST Centre with 420 men listed with it; 90 have been visiting regularly for treatment.

HIV positive persons can avail of a monthly assistance of Rs.1,000 under the farmers protection scheme, said N.R.Sivapathi, Minister for School Education, Law, Youth Welfare and Sports, here on Saturday.

At a function to mark the World AIDS Day observation, Mr.Sivapathi said HIV positive persons holding identity cards issued under the Farmers Protection Scheme are sanctioned the assistance without any precondition.

More than 6,000 persons in the district are in the grip of AIDS and tuberculosis (TB).

Increasing the heat on Chinese drug firms exporting medicines to India, the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) is all set to open its first foreign drug inspection office in Beijing by March 1
