The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the Himachal Pradesh government to take a slew of steps aimed at reducting air and noise pollution in the state capital.
NEW DELHI: The Delhi government has roped in technology major IBM to study and collect data on the effect of vehicular traffic on the quality of air in a bid to tackle rising air pollution levels
The green watchdog on Wednesday severely criticised Delhi government for not acting “seriously” to improve deteriorating air quality in the city and directed it to convene an urgent meeting on the
The green watchdog on Wednesday severely criticised Delhi government for not acting “seriously” to improve deteriorating air quality in the city and directed it to convene an urgent meeting on the
PATNA: A year-and-a-half after a WHO survey declared Patna as the second most polluted city in the world next to Delhi, Patnaites are choking in even worse ambient air with respirable suspended par
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has urged Chief Secretaries of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and National Capital Territory of Delhi to take effective steps to enforce the ban on bu
As the national capital and surrounding areas gasp under a thick pall of smog, sales of indoor air purifiers have zoomed, here's an examination of the various questions around these machines