The study estimates the health benefits to individuals from a reduction in current air pollution levels to a safe level in the Kathmandu metropolitan and Lalitpur sub-metropolitan areas of Kathmandu valley, Nepal.

The Government will face a fresh hearing in the Court of Appeal tomorrow (May 30) over claims it has failed to bring illegal air pollution levels under control.

The Obama administration on Friday issued a proposed rule governing hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas on public lands that will for the first time require disclosure of the chemicals used in the

Oil and gas companies will have to capture toxic and climate-altering gases from wells, storage sites and pipelines under new air quality standards issued on Wednesday by the Environmental Protecti

The Environmental Protection Agency has postponed its first rules aimed at reducing air pollution from natural-gas wells that are drilled by hydraulic fracturing, following a last-minute push by oi

Hong Kong has decided to come clean with data on a dangerous form of air pollution, a month and a half after Beijing, a city with smoggier skies and a murkier approach to statistics, did the same.

There's new evidence that exposure to exhaust from diesel engines increases the risk of lung cancer.

China said Friday that two-thirds of its cities currently fail to meet new air-quality standards introduced this week that are based on the pollutants most harmful to health.

China’s cabinet ordered on Wednesday new air-quality standards to measure the most dangerous form of particulate matter, following a public outcry over worsening air pollution.

National Green Tribunal Judgment dated 9/02/2012, on Sponge Iron Plant in District Raigarh, Chattisgarh, before 2004 i.e. prior to issuance of EIA Notification, 2006. The production capacity of the said existing unit was 66,000 TPA of Sponge Iron (2 x 100 TPD kilns).
