The US environmental regulator said on Friday it will review recently finalized limits on mercury emissions on new coal-fired power plants in a process that could ease the rules for companies build

POLLUTION is giving otherwise healthy children asthma-like symptoms, potentially affecting their lung growth and function and casting doubt on whether national air quality standards are strong enou

Olympic runners, cyclists, swimmers and even sailors arriving in London on Monday could be taken ill or see their performances impaired by air pollution, health experts have warned.

Ambient air quality has a significant effect on the existing environment of an area. Like many other cities of the world the ambient air quality of Jammu is also being deteriorated day by day. Therefore the monitoring of the outdoor ambient air quality of Jammu City for the years 2004 and 2005 at selected locations of residential areas, commercial areas and traffic crossings with respect to SO2 and NO2 has been conducted.

This is a detailed study on health impact of air pollution on human health in Delhi conducted by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) with Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.

States with abundant natural resources and less economic activity are environmentally most sustainable in India, while it is just the opposite in the case of those with high intensity of economic activities, according to the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) here.

The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) for Indian States 2011, a study by the Centre for Development Finance under the 1970-founded IFMR, notes that the index for two years — 2009 and 2011 — shared this common characteristic.

The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed new national air quality standards that would significantly reduce levels of fine-particle soot.

Chennai Five north-eastern states along with Himachal Pradesh have been rated as the most environmentally sustainable states in the country, according to the Environmental Sustainable Index 2011 released today by a city-based think tank here.

The report rates Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh in the top slots in its Environmental Sustainable Index 2011. It was released by Centre for Development Finance (CDF), affiliated to Institute for Financial Management and Research.

“At this rate, the Capital will be gasping for breath by 2021”

Delhi's air quality is worsening and if urgent action is not taken we will have a serious problem at hand, warns Centre for Science and Environment's latest report card. “The summer of 2012 is a grim reminder of the severe and worsening multi-pollutant crisis. CSE's analysis of the official air quality data shows that ozone, the new predator in town, has exceeded standards on all days in May and most days in April this year in areas including Civil Lines and the airport and on 80 per cent days in residential colonies including R. K. Puram,” notes the report.

Authorities with Shanghai's environmental protection bureau said on Friday afternoon that it's illegal for the US consulate in Shanghai to publish assessments of air quality to the general public.
