Tilomajhi and Andharmajhi from Kalahandi, Orissa, were appointed as special police by the government of Orissa, entrusted with the power to break any country liquor pot they come across. Both

Four Franciscan Mary Missionery (FMM) nuns who have rebelled against the Church are in the forefront of a struggle for the restoration of tribal ancestral lands illegally occupied, mostly by

Heady with confidence, tribal dwellers of an obscure Kerala region confront the liquor dons

President Boris Yeltsin has sent Russia's advertising industry reeling by banning tobacco and alcohol advertisements. In the last 3 years Russia's advertising market has seen media organisations

For centuries, humans have collected honey and put it to various uses, from a sweetener making alcohol

References in scriptures and cave paintings show that honey has been popular in India since ancient times

A recent study suggests thart a moderate consumption of alcohol is good for the heart

Nothing brings more discomfort to modern vice than a scuffing from elderly tradition. Tribal folk performers are now being used by state government-sponsored cultural troupes in rural Andhra Pradesh

Several regional organisations are helping women fight against the sale and consumption of liquor.

Campaigns by women have been successful in curbing alcoholism among their menfolk in Manipur and Andhra Pradesh, but similar efforts have failed in Haryana and drinking there has increased.
