A vast ecosystem recently discovered below Antarctica's floating ice shelves could offer a completely new understanding of the origin of life in extreme environments. The sunless habitat was found

Amajor breakthrough has been achieved in the efforts to tackle environmental emergencies in Antarctica. At the 28th conference on the Antarctica Treaty, which concluded in Stockholm, Sweden on June

Antarctic microbes could be rampantly exploited to benefit a few

After the destruction of Europe s conifers, it took millions of years for the regeneration of forests

penguins are not as harmless as they look. Recent research in Antarctica has revealed that they steal each other's eggs and may even peck each other to death to guard their territory at remote,

young emperor penguin chicks have been observed moving further away from their home in Antarctica to warmer waters of north. And therein lies the danger, for these waters are not bound by

A SURFEIT, of fat and urges to go on a diet? May be the sea -urchins living'in the icy waters of Antarctica could hold out clues on slimness. Scientists at the University of Southern

The scourge of pollution has not spared even the icy continent

Enzymes remain active at freezing temperatures

A nonchalant French government plans to throw open its virgin islands to tourists and game hunters
