The wealthy people of Nauru face a future of poverty because most of their only natural resource, phosphates, has been exploited ruthlessly by Australia.

Scientists are trying to make designer solids substances whose molecules they assemble according to a predetermined plan

AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Paul Keating dismissed fears that the concept of giving aborigines title to native land could put the country's agriculture and mining industries at risk. Keating was

NEVER take an expert's word as gospel -- that's what a team of Australian schoolboys would tell you. Despite experts warning them their project wouldn't work, the schoolboys have successfully built

SHEEP treated with a protein found in the salivary glands of male mice can shed their fleece on their own. Scientists use the protein produced artificially through genetic manipulation in a

AUSTRALIAN astronomers have chanced upon a rare type of pulsar (a word coined from pulsating star) -- a cosmic source of regular and rapid pulses of radiation, usually at radio frequencies. The

After generating a lot of scientific interest worldwide, neem is now attracting pesticide manufacturers and pharmaceuticals keen to exploit its various properties.

Neem provides a cheap and harmless mosquito repellent that is effective against the malaria carrying Anopheles species, which is becoming increasingly resistant to pesticides.

Scientists believe neem stimulates the body's immune system and are working on the possibility of using it in treating AIDS.

PHYSIOTHERAPY researchers in Australia have developed a device that can predict the probability of back pain in humans. Many devices can measure spinal muscle functions, such as
