australia said it was seeking an

The increasing demand for kangaroo meat threatens this marsupial native to Australia

Under pressure from the industry, the Australian government relaxes petrol and diesel emission standards

the traditional owners of the Jabiluka uranium mine site in Australia won a reprieve in their battle to halt the project when the company, Energy Resources Australia ( era ), "temporarily'

australian scientists are working to

the Australian government has denied that it was selling timber from Victoria's native forests at a very low price. According to them, the royalties for the "debris', that would otherwise be

A major breakthrough promises to transform the agricultural sector

It seems that cleanliness has been overrated

SCIENTISTS are studying the potential for a new, more potent strain of the rabbitkilling calicivirus after the failure of the existing virus in large parts of Australia's temperate regions. The

A NEW revolutionary energy process could end up powering cities and industries in the next century, says a team of Australian scientists. The scientists, who conducted a feasibility study, suggested
