A thorough understanding of movement patterns of a species is critical for designing effective conservation and management initiatives. However, generating such information for large marine vertebrates is challenging, as they typically move over long distances, live in concealing environments, are logistically difficult to capture and, as upper-trophic predators, are naturally low in abundance. Large-bodied, broadly distributed tropical shark typically restricted to coastal and shelf habitats, the great hammerhead shark Sphyrna mokarran epitomizes such challenges.

A new species of boa constrictor has been discovered on a remote island in the Bahamas.

Hurricane Sandy pounded the Bahamas with battering winds and rain on Friday, sweeping over the island chain after killing 21 people across the Caribbean and posing a menacing threat to the U.S.

Tropical Storm Bret formed north of the Bahamas on Sunday and was expected to drench the northernmost islands before curving out into the open Atlantic, forecasters at the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Bret was not expected to strengthen into a hurricane, nor was it forecast to threaten the U.S. coast or the energy interests in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ocean sequestring gets more difficult to understand

Twenty years ago, evolutionary biologists transplanted small poplations of Anolis sagrei lizards from Staniel Cay in the Bahamas to several nearby islands, in the hope that the reptiles would go