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THE book is a compilation of 42 papers contributed by social, physical and environment scientists who are working with issues that confront the Himalayas. The first three papers deal with the

environmentalist and advisor to the United Nations Environment Programme (unep), Rashmi Mayur, has warned of complete degradation in the sub-continent's ecology in the near future. Specifically,

Seafood is a part of the human diet and harvesting of marine species provides a source of income to millions. Products from marine species are used as food additives, animal feed, fertiliser,

Non native plant species are growing at the expense of the native in Askot sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh

Kerala to set up biodiversity board

India ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

travancore Titanium Products ( ttp ) Ltd, long embroiled in a tussle with

Industry and people s rights organisations in India are at loggerheads over the shaping of the biodiversity bill and amendments to the existing patent act

unscrupulous poaching and smuggling have now virtually rendered extinct rare and beautiful butterflies endemic to the forests of Kerala. Officials of traffic -India, an association working

MORE than 1,800 sq krn of the country's remote northeast region bordering China and India will soon be declared a protected area called the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. The government
