While recent developments like the US abandoning the Paris accord have caused a major setback to the fight against the devastating impact of climate change, scientists are warning that time is runn
The thermal power sector has made very little progress in implementing the revised stack emission standards for suspended particulate matter (SPM), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxide(s) of nitrogen (NOx) notified in December 2015.
Kolkata: The Calcutta high court judge who was on the bench that barred the entry of cars into Rabindra Sarobar has questioned the necessity of a road through the Lake area that serve as the lungs
Despite a huge potential, the District Mineral Foundation (DMF), instituted with the aim of ensuring benefit sharing for mining-affected people, has several shortfalls on various fronts, finds the
A total of Rs 5,800 crore has been collected from nearly 50 districts in the last two years under a benefit scheme for mining-affected people, according to the latest status report on it released b
Disregarding new environment regulations, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has given more than 300 thermal power plants two to five-year reprieve from adhering to the strict air pollution st