CHANDIGARH: Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Monday said his government had augmented the supply of drinking water in 27 towns and 2,796 villages and increased the budget for supply of drinking water and sanitation to Rs.770 crore from Rs.218 crore in 2004-05.

Chandigarh: The Haryana Government today launched the Rs 1125 crore-Naandi Community Safe Water Project which will provide clean drinking water to 100 villages. The water treatment plant is based on reverse osmosis technology.

Located in Dujana village of Jhajjar district, the project has been set up with the assistance of Hyderabad-based Naandi Foundation, an NGO.

Jangveer Singh
Tribune News Service
Chandigarh, January 8

Power crisis looms large over North India following the closure of a number of gas-based thermal units due to shortage of gas. Ongoing strike by officers of the Oil and Natural Gas Company (ONGC) has led to the situation.

Chandigarh: The UT Administration has fresh plans up its sleeve for the revamp of the Sukhna lake as well as the New Lake in Sector 42.

From better illumination to landscaping of the areas surrounding the lakes, there are a number of proposals afoot.

At Sukhna, there are plans to develop the regulator end of the lake.

Chandigarh: 1990:The Chandigarh Administration acquires 22-acre land in Burail village by paying paltry Rs 3 lakh per acre compensation to develop housing societies. The land has not been used and stands encroached at present by people living here for nearly two decades.

Chandigarh: To check the spread of AIDS, the Haryana AIDS Control Society will establish two blood component separation units at Hisar and Faridabad during the current financial year.

A spokesman of the society said the blood bank at PGIMS, Rohtak, would be upgraded as a model blood bank, besides establishing two blood banks at Jhajjar and Fatehabad.

Chandigarh: With the tricity shivering under heavy cold conditions, special arrangements have been made for the various animals at the Chhatbir zoo to keep them warm. Apart from special huts built for the purpose, dietary changes have been introduced and a large number of jute mats and heat converters placed in the enclosures.

Chandigarh: The Chandigarh Administration has decided to phase out all petrol and diesel-run autorickshaws by August. They will be run by LPG now. Secretary (Transport) Ram Niwas, who is also the UT Home Secretary, made the announcement while inaugurating the 20th National Road Safety Week in Chandigarh on Thursday.

Scheme called Shikshadeep, it will be given free of cost to girl students who top the exam

The ambitious ban on smoking in public places has failed to take off in a majority of states.
