PUNE: The condition of two workers affected by Wednesday’s chemical leak at a Jubilee Life Sciences plant in Nira village was critical on Thursday, with one of them on ventilator support.

KOLKATA: With water now gushing into the holds of MV SSL Kolkata, experts have given up all hope of salvaging the ship. Oil spill is a concern for experts.

Michael Mpari, 45, came out of the polluted waters in the creeks of Bodo, a community in Gokana Local Government area in Ogoni, Rivers State, drenched in crude oil from head to toe, carrying a brok

The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) has pledged its continued support in the area of capacity building for greater efficiency and service delivery, just as it unveiled modern pollution and environme

Thirty persons were admitted at the Phebe Hospital for exposure to a chemical spill-over from MNG-Gold reservoir in Bong County over the weekend.

KUWAIT (Reuters) - Kuwait will finish cleaning up a crude oil spill in the country's southern waters in the Gulf this week, a Kuwaiti newspaper report said on Sunday, quoting the country's oil mini

Local opposition to plans by multinational oil companies to drill in the Great Australian Bight has ratcheted up a notch after Holdfast Bay council passed a motion calling on the regulator to stop

Potash and fertilizer producer Israel Chemicals (ICL) said on Sunday it cannot estimate the level of damage caused to the company or the environment by a spill at its fertilizer plant in Israel's N

Is climate change affecting the quality of Darjeeling tea and its production process?

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Court on its own Motion Vs. NCT, Delhi & Ors.dated 15/05/2017 regarding Tughlakabad Gas Leak.
