Greenpeace has found a new campaign method. Recently, the environmental action group posed as a pro-coal organization to co-sponsor the 2008 McCloskey Coal usa conference, where it delivered an anti-coal message. Disguising its identity under the moniker Institute for Energy Solution, Greenpeace paid the us $8,500 co-sponsorship fee that made them publishers of the conference brochure. In the

THE unseemly haste associated with the implementation of Australia's emission trading scheme seems to be driven more by political aspirations and the pseudo-science of special interest groups than sound environmental concern. On a recent visit to Australia, Jeffrey Sachs, distinguished professor of sustainability from Columbia University, pointed out the futility of a highly politicised debate on emissions trading. He said that the science, technology and economics of any optimal new "clean" energy policy should be properly simulated, studied and understood by all national stakeholders.

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the clean coal technologies (CCT) used in power generation worldwide and draw preliminary recommendations regarding the utilization of CCT options which are suitable for application in India.

Firm Sets Aside 0.5% Of Profit, Around Rs 30 Cr/Year, For The Purpose Flagship generation utility NTPC will plough 0.5% of its distributable profit

Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are talking more about "clean coal" and less about global warming as they woo voters in West Virginia and Kentucky -- two states that sit at the heart of the nation's coal economy. In a bid to draw voters ahead of Democratic primaries in West Virginia on Tuesday and Kentucky on May 20, both candidates are playing up the ascendant role of commercially untested and so far economically nonviable ways of converting America's plentiful coal supplies into electricity without spewing massive quantities of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.

The European Union must craft new financial incentives to "jump start" clean coal technology if it is to achieve ambitious targets to combat climate change, a leading lawmaker said on Monday. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is designed to trap carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants and heavy industry and store its underground. Supporters see it as a potential silver bullet in the fight against global warming.

The European Union may boost efforts to capture climate-warming carbon dioxide (CO2) and store it underground by pushing forward proposals for a dozen demonstration projects, EU officials said on Thursday. Carbon capture and storage (CCS), designed to trap CO2 emissions from power plants and heavy industry, is seen as a possible silver bullet in the fight against climate change, but it has not yet been proven on an industrial scale.

Energy companies are planning to revive a polluting technology developed by the Nazis to replace dwindling supplies of oil with synthetic fuels derived from coal. Senior industry figures told a high-level conference in Paris this week that coal-to-liquids (CTL) technology could fuel cars and aircraft for decades to come. Green campaigners reacted with alarm because the process produces twice as much greenhouse gas as using oil. Supporters say much of the carbon pollution could be captured and stored underground, and that the synthetic fuel burns cleaner than conventional diesel.

The US Department of Energy has pulled out of a flagship project to build the first 'clean' coal-fired power plant in the United States, a move that will kill the project unless supporters can rouse Congress on its behalf.
