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The Big Picture - US withdrawas from Paris Climate Deal: Implications

In a few hours, Donald Trump is likely to announce that the US is pulling out of the Paris climate accord. What will the impact be on India and will this unravel the fight against climate change?

Chandra Bhushan is currently the Deputy Director General of CSE. He is a distinguished expert in the field of natural resource management, environmental geo-politics and industrial pollution.

Guest : Anil Madhav Dave, Environment Minister, Govt of India, Ajay Shankar,Former Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Power,Polash Mukerjee, Researcher, Air Pollution, CSE, Chetan Chauhan, Deputy Chief of Bureau Hindustan Times,

Desh Deshantar - Agreement on battling Climate Change in COP21: What does it entail?
Guests: Om Thanvi, Former Editor, Jansatta ; Chandra Bhushan, Deputy Director General of CSE ; M C Mehta, Advocate, Supreme Court ; Sopan Joshi, Researcher and Journalist, Gandhi Peace Foundation.

The Big Picture - Paris Climate Accord
Guests: Chandra Bhushan, Deputy Director General, CSE ; Soma Banerjee Principal, Energy & Infrastructure, CII ; Nitin Desai, Former Deputy Secretary General, UN ; Subhomoy Bhattacharjee, Consulting Editor, The Business Standard.

The World is standing at a crossroad where if we do not put a lid on the emission of greenhouse gases, in a few decades, we shall be heading towards an environmental disaster. With the climate change conference in Paris underway, will it be possible for various world leaders to look beyond blame game and actually hammer out an agreement that everyone will follow in letter and spirit? Should industrialised countries do more in terms of providing finance and accessibility to clean and green technology? In the long term how do we reduce our carbon footprint?

As people cough and wheeze their way through their lives in Delhi, the National Green Tribunal says 'enough is enough'. They want to know just what the Delhi government intends to do to improve the quality of air in Delhi. Does the government have any solutions? This on a day when Union Minister Maneka Gandhi seems to contradict the government by suggesting that it's not enough to blame the West for global warming.
