A new research has predicted that global warming will have a devastating effect on the Amazon rainforest, shrinking it by 85% if there is a rise of 4

Even small temperature rises will cause irreversible destruction of trees, says study.

David Adam
Global warming will wreck attempts to save the Amazon rainforest, according to a devastating new study which predicts that one-third of its trees will be killed by even modest temperature rises.

London: Warmer weather and changes in atmospheric pressure may trigger headaches and migraines, rather than pollution, researchers said.

A US research team showed that each temperature increase of 5

BHUBANESWAR: The recent forest fires across the State and rise in February temperature could be the effect of the climate change and global warming. Migratory birds coming to Orissa are affected too by these phenomena, going by their number.

Ocean temperature is one of the primary environmental factors that determine the geographic range of a species. A paper published recently in the journal Fish and Fisheries has used computer modelling to project the global impact of climate change on biodiversity with reference to 1,000-odd fish species.

Glaciers and small ice caps in temperate environments are sensitive indicators of the change in climate. Mountain glaciers provide a valuable tool for reconstruction of Holocene climate changes. The present work, thus, deals mainly with climatic change and its impact on the Himalayan glaciers based on the dating of lichens, developed on loops of moraines formed due

An attempt has been made here to study the climatic influence on variation of tree-ring width (radial growth) of Blue Pine (Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson) growing in five different sites in and around Ziro Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast Himalaya. The site chronologies have been evaluated to assess inter-site differences through several statistical analyses, viz.

The global climate change has a significant impact on the high mountain environment. The Himalayan glaciers are in the state of general retreat5 since 1850 and the average air temperature of the Himalayan region has risen by 1

Bangladesh urgently needs support in developing a climate-resilient agriculture if its people are to survive and prosper in the long term, according to some experts.

Climate change is affecting the country in many ways. For instance, rising sea levels are causing some agricultural land in coastal areas to become more saline, reducing both the quality and quantity of the produce available.

