
NEW DELHI: The National Green Tribunal has slapped Rs 2 lakh as costs on the Delhi government for not filing action plan for providing incentives and infrastructural assistance to farmers to stop t

Drylands account for three-quarters of Sub-Saharan Africa's cropland, two-thirds of cereal production, and four-fifths of livestock holdings. Today frequent and severe shocks, especially droughts, limit the livelihood opportunities available to millions of households and undermine efforts to eradicate poverty in the drylands.

The recent Nasa findings that ornamental plants release maximum oxygen seem to have prompted the Assam government to plan massive urban agriculture and vertical farming to grow such plants, fruits and vegetables.

This joint report by the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is part of a wider set of economic and sector work being conducted by development agencies to assist Somalia in its further elaboration (through sector strategies and programs) and implementation of the current National Development Plan and its preparation of the

Penalty of ₹2 lakh imposed on State government

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Crops Covered Under MSP, 20/03/2018. The prices of agricultural produce are determined by supply and demand conditions in the market on a day to day basis. The prices of Agricultural produce tend to fall after the harvest season due to increase in market arrival of new crop in a lumpy manner. The MSPs and all India average monthly wholesale prices of major agricultural commodities are given at Annexure. The wholesale prices of Kardiseed and Sunflower seed have remained below MSP during 2014-15 to 2017-18.

SHILLONG: Government chief whip and NPP legislator Agatha Sangma on Monday wanted the introduction of National Green Corps, a central scheme, to sensitise students about climate change.

The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2015 showed that a staggering 22 percent of total damage and loss from natural disasters in developing countries was absorbed by the agriculture sector alone.

NEW DELHI: Seeking to provide a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution to farmers to deal with the problem of stubble burning that results in raising air pollution levels in the capital and neigh

Haryana government issues directive to local officials
