The Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, Assam on June 2, 2022 has issued The Assam Food Security Rules, 2022. They shall come into force on May 31, 2022.

The Department of Mines and Minerals (Assam) vide notification dated November 01, 2021 has issued the Assam Minor Mineral concession (Amendment) Rules, 2021. The amendment prescribes the rates at which Royalties shall be paid when minor minerals are used or consumed by Government Agencies.

Assam is the latest Indian state to announce an electric vehicle (EV) policy. The Electric Vehicle Policy of Assam, 2021 aims for 25% EV penetration in all vehicle registrations by 2026. Assam has followed Maharashtra, Delhi, and Gujarat, which have earlier launched state-specific EV policies.

The State Cabinet has approved the Assam Ethanol Production Promotion Policy 2021. The Policy shall be valid upto 31st March 2026. Assam’s industries and commerce minister said that Assam is the second State in the country to bring out an ethanol policy, and is thus among the pioneers in the line.

The Guwahati Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2020 is an Act further to amend the Guwahati Municipal Corporation Act,1969. It shall have the like extent as the principal Act. In the principal Act, in sections 51, 52, 53 and 54, for the word "Commissioner" wherever it occurs, the words "State Election Commission" shall be substituted.

Urban Cities of Assam become totally clean, sanitized, healthy, and liveable, ensuring and sustaining good public health and environmental outcomes for all citizens, in line with the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016.

Biotechnology is the most contemporary science and technology of research and development that has made significant progress.

The recent Nasa findings that ornamental plants release maximum oxygen seem to have prompted the Assam government to plan massive urban agriculture and vertical farming to grow such plants, fruits and vegetables.

Climate change is the greatest global challenge facing us today which through a multitude of impacts poses a risk to our ecology, economy and society. Observation shows that changes being experienced in the climate of Assam are over and above the natural climate variability prevailing in the region.

The State economy of Assam has witnessed a picturesque change over the period from 2004-05 to 2013-14, as the primary sector witnessed a shift to service sector and the service sector has flourished rapidly in the State economy, says the report of the Economic Survey, Assam, 2013-14 tabled on the Assam Assembly.
