The issue of leadership and management of R&D institutions proves to be a stumbling block in making such bodies more productive.

THOUGH one dislikes pessimists who seem to have given up on our collective ability to put development onto a genuinely sustainable path, the fact remains they have enough evidence to demonstrate

ALL THROUGH the second half of the 20th century, whenever Western governments have seen their industries lagging behind globally, they have resorted to updating their technology policies. The result

Sweden is successfully moving towards self-sustaining cities where long-term ecological gains rank higher than short-term economics.

Among steps undertaken by the municipally owned Stockholm Water were renovation of the waste water network, construction of a storm sewer overflow basin and measures to reduce the load on pipes and treatment plants.

In 1987, citizens of Gothenburg accepted the challenge of cleaning up their city and succeeded admirably.

Job creation, to stop migration of its residents to bigger cities, was the aim of Overtornea's action plan.

IT IS TIME for a grand reconciliation between nature and us. Ecological economists fear we may have already entered an era of "uneconomic growth", which impoverishes rather than enriches. They remind

In an effort to improve the quality of technology coming into the country, the Indian government has decided to remove the low ceiling on royalty payments.

THAT SCIENCE and technology (in the broadest sense) have something to do with development is accepted now almost universally. From the discovery of iron to the harnessing of steam, technology has
