Proposal cleared for 191-km stretch of NH 209 in Karnataka.

Plans to revise domestic and commercial water tax

The Dindigul Municipality will spend Rs.70 crore to augment drinking water supply to Dindigul town. To meet its expenses, it will revise domestic and commercial water tax and deposit amount for new water connection.

Collection and safe disposal of solid waste generated in municipal limits is still a daunting task for almost all municipalities in the district, due to poor implementation of solid waste management programme.

No concrete measures to segregate waste at collection point, shortage of sanitary workers, lack of awareness among people and lack of official attention – all add to the mounting issue.

Renewable energy sources should be fully tapped not only meet growing energy needs but also to protect environment and scale down use of petrol and diesel, said Central Electro Chemical and Researc

Check dam to be constructed near Sitthargal Natham
DINDIGUL: With acute drinking water shortage haunting Dindigul Municipality, the district administration has started revamping paralysed Peranai Drinking Water project which was implemented by the AIADMK during its previous term in office.

DINDIGUL: Despite implementation of solid waste management and privatisation of garbage clearance in 50 per cent of total 48 wards within the municipal limits, garbage clearance becomes a daunting task for Dindigul municipality.

Heaps of garbage in street corners and on prime roads is a common sight within the town limit.

Existing garbage dumping yard near Murugabhavanam is surrounded by sev

In developing country like India greater attention has been focused so far only on the ground water pollution. Unlike water the study on the soil contamination has not been much attended yet. In this background, it becomes necessary to study the soil contamination in Dindigul, where the soil is mostly degraded by tannery effluents.

Microbial load in the groundwater and the physico-chemical characteristics of the water samples in and around the dumpsite of Dindigul town, Tamil Nadu, was studied. A microbial analysis of the leachate of the municipal solid waste, the ground water collected from the dumping yard and the ground water collected from a distance of 100 feet away from the dumping yard was also carried out to find out the effect of the municipal solid waste on the ground water quality.