India will push to make poverty eradication, ‘without any qualifiers,’ the centre-piece of the development framework post-2015, the stated deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)

London-based groups protesting against the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) have pledged to widen their campaign across Europe, as several British MPs voiced their concerns about the plant a

The Obama administration will hold two days of meetings with North Korea next week in a bid to resume a nuclear-disarmament process with Pyongyang that foundered in 2008.

Pakistan has urged "some major powers" to commence negotiations on the larger issue of nuclear disarmament instead of pushing for a treaty to ban production of fissile material used as fuel for ato

Despite the protection afforded by several important legal instruments, the environment continues to be the silent victim of armed conflicts worldwide. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has conducted over twenty post-conflict assessments since 1999, using state-of-the-art science to determine the environmental impacts of war.

Iran test-fired a sophisticated missile on Wednesday that was capable of striking Israel and parts of Western Europe, adding to concerns that Iran

The accession of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States is an opportune time to revisit the issue of global and regional nuclear disarmament. What are the options open to civil society?

Under-scoring the need for total elimination of nuclear weapons, Pakistan told a UN panel on Wednesday that the objective should be achieved through an equitable approach and genuine empathy for the security concerns of all states. At the same time, Ambassador Farukh Amil said.

In the first of three features on the legacy of the Bush administration, Declan Butler looks at the United States' failure to deal with the risks of nuclear proliferation.

Recently, I met some senior British diplomats. Conversa tion moved to the impending war in Iraq and its rationa lity . It became heated. I wish to share a piece of Bushspeak the discussion ended
