No small buses Sri Lanka's Western Province Transport Authority has decided to bid farewell to the minibuses with less than 26 seats, which are still transporting passengers on the roads of the

Massive releases of agents intentionally or unintentionally can be disruptive to the lines of individuals at many levels. In 1984, the release of toxic Methylisocyanate gas had occurred suddenly and without warning from the union carbide plant in Bhopal. This disaster had created thousands of casualties thereby overwhelming local, health and medical resources.

This book is one of four reports intended to provide a quick overview of the current status of disaster preparedness planning in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan including the documents, plans, and legal instruments in place and the institutions governing their implementation.

This book is one of four reports intended to provide a quick overview of the current status of disaster preparedness planning in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan including the documents, plans, and legal instruments in place and the institutions governing their implementation.

In the recent past, most Asian countries have greatly improved their capacities to monitor hazards and to warn, evaluate and provide emergency relief to victims of disasters. As a result, the number of lives lost to disasters such as floods, storms and extreme temperature has decreased significantly. However, the vulnerability within the agriculture sector has continuously increased due to its high level of exposure. It is essential to re-align all disaster management programmes in the agriculture sectors from response to prevention and preparedness.

The study aims at evaluating the degree of success in relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities undertaken after the supercyclone and ascertain the achievements and the progress from the perceptions of the affected people.

technology cannot always substitute sound preparedness on the ground; Indonesia learnt it the hard way when a tsunami triggered by an earthquake off the island of Java killed hundreds of people last

15,000 hit by worsening Assam flood situation

The objectives of the Disaster Management Plan are to ensure that disaster management is organised to facilitate planning, preparedness, operational coordination and community participation.

A succession of severe natural disasters has wreaked havoc in the poverty-ridden state of Orissa. First the state experienced a severe flood in the august, 1999 affecting six coastal blocks.
