Forewarned is forearmed. With this motto, Argentina has embarked

The Gujarat earthquake struck at the very foundation of urban India. The disaster highlighted the haphazard manner in which the country's towns and cities are laid out. In its aftermath, hastily framed laws on earthquake resistant structures and ambigui

Spate of post Bhuj tremors would be a precursor to another major quake. But the authorities are not stirring

Authorities response to post crisis management committees and cover ups

The quake s underground impact

It is sickening to see the Union home minister rejoice when dam oustees despair

The year 1999 registered the highest number of disasters since the last 10 years. The trend for the last

At least 21 million citizens of Nairobi are facing acute water shortage. Citizens allege that mismanagement, corruption and lack of preparedness on the part the government officials have led to the

The question on everyone s lips is when will the monsoon commence and how extensive will it be?

Orissa cyclone death toll was higher due to the destruction of mangrove forests
