Participants at the first international conference of dam affected people in Brazil vow to intensify their fight against large dams

The brouhaha over the Bakun hydroelectric project in Malaysia continues. Recently, the Bakun Region People's Committee (BRPC) met to discuss the various

Marginalised by developmental processes, local people are fighting for their right to manage forests

The Madhya Pradesh government s decision to call in the private sector to convert state forest lands into captive plantations, impinges on people s rights over common resources

A sudden eviction notice to the people of Tehri town, warning of an imminent flooding, has incensed the public

The Singrauli region, which produces 10% of India's electric power, has experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization over the last 30 years. Along with this growth has come environmental degradation in terms of coal cycle and industrial pollution, displacement of populations, housing and occupational hazards, related health effects, and land degradation.

What does development engineered displacement mean for the other half?

The Bhairu Lok Abhyaranya Dakav in Bhanwta, near Sariska, Rajasthan, is a sanctuary with a difference. It is a sanctuary declared, protected and managed by the people. "We call it the sonchidi, since

Our syllabi (for training forest officials) still have manuals written during the Raj S K Mukherjee Acting director, Wildlife Institute, Dehradun Why do you still train foresters in horseriding

The birth pangs of development have been faced so far by the downtrodden, but things need to change soon
