Common dolphins, once a frequent sight in the Mediterranean, may soon be extinct in Greece's Ionian Sea due to overfishing, environmentalists warned on Wednesday.

WWF and a dozen other environmental organisations said research showed numbers of dark-grey, white-bellied dolphins had decreased from 150 to 15 in 10 years in protected areas in the Ionian, between Greece and Italy.

Mechanized boats and gillnets endanger rare species THERE is some good news for dolphin lovers. The population of the endangered Irrawaddy Dolphins in Orissa

Sonar has been implicated in some strandings of whales and dolphins, but the mechanism by which acoustic pings might cause disorientation is uncertain.
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By Alastair Lawson, BBC News
The Irrawaddy dolphin grows to up to 2.5m in length and frequents large rivers, estuaries and freshwater lagoons in south Asia.

Conservationists have expressed their amazement that thousands of rare dolphins have been found in Bangladeshi waters when previously they were thought to be endangered or dead.

It is important to preserve our freshwater ecosystems from over-fishing, from the dumping of hazardous waste upstream, and from the damming of rivers upstream, as a national priority that will ultimately protect the livelihoods of millions of fishing families and continue to provide an abundance of fish for consumption on the other, consequently also sustaining the diversity of fauna, including do

About six thousand rare Irrawaddy dolphins, one of the world's rarest species of freshwater and previously unknown population, were found along Bangladesh coast with a great hope for the survival of the rare species, said a study carried out by the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

Perth: About 80 whales and dolphins were stranded on Monday on a remote southwest Australian beach. Authorities plan to truck the few survivors to a protected bay before attempting to launch them back to sea.

Volunteers help stranded marine animals in Australia to sea

CANBERRA: Rescuers slung a stranded pilot whale between two jet skies and returned it to sea on Wednesday, three days after it ran aground with a pod of almost 200 others on an Australian beach.


Nearly 200 whales and several dolphins are stranded on a beach in the southern Australian island state of Tasmania, the latest in a string of beachings in recent months.

Rescuers were headed today to Naracoopa Beach on Tasmania

