There is no preparedness in India against El Ni o, the Indian government does not even have an action plan

This summer's El Ni

El Ni o takes birth in the Pacific periodically to upset weather patterns globally

Life is thrown out of gear for wildlife as they face the wrath of El Ni o

The fires in the Amazon rain forests are greater than the ones in Indonesia

MNCs are looking for profits even in a disaster situation

In the 1920s, Sir Gilbert Walker made the seminal connection between barometer readings of air pressure at sea level at stations on the eastern and western sides of the Pacific Ocean (Tahiti and

Change in the temperature of the sea affects wind patterns which affect weather globally

El Ni o, a weather phenomenon caused by a complex interaction between atmospheric and oceanic conditions has ushered in drought, forest fires and devastation this year

Drought has claimed more than 400 lives in Indonesia. Doctors working with in the mountainous district of Jayawijaya since September say that people suffering from malnutrition and various
