pharmaceutical giant Cipla has introduced a three-in-one aids drug called Triomune. The new drug is a combination of stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine. Cipla could synthesise the drug

A patient's own cells could be used to carry vital drugs to diseased organs. Researchers in Ireland are developing a device, which loads red blood cells with a drug, then injects the cells back into

Many cancer patients receive chemotherapy at the end of life, even if their kind of cancer is known to be unresponsive to the drugs, according to a study reported at the recent annual meeting of the

Is the new Indian anti cancer drug any good?

Doubts are raised over the efficacy of two herbal medicines for asthma

UK s efforts to control antibiotic resistant bacteria fails

Should the people of South Africa be denied medicines because they are too poor to pay for them?

A new study suggests that Cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive chemical in marijuana, can ease arthritis. Researchers from the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology in London and Hebrew University in

Viagra may also help women

To tackle the killer disease ravaging South Africa, the government s health policy will have to undergo a drastic change
