The Ugandan economy is recovering from a sharp contraction due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) shock that had slowed growth to its lowest pace in over three decades. Real GDP growth is estimated to reach above 3 percent during FY21, following the modest recovery of 0.7 percent in the first half of the FY.

Climate economic modelling is a critical process that informs policy makers of the costs, benefits and potential trade-offs of climate risks and climate change adaptation on the economy. It can be useful to support problem framing, stakeholder engagement and awareness raising, and advocacy and communications related to climate change.

The COVID-19 pandemic is an employment as well as a health crisis.

Somalia Economic Update reports aim to contribute to policymaking and the national conversations on topic issues related to economic recovery and development. The report contains three main messages. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the costs of not investing in a public health system.

The Rwanda Economic Update (REU) analyzes recent economic developments and prospects, as well as Rwanda’s policy priorities. The REU is intended for a wide audience of policymakers, business leaders, other market participants, analysts of Rwanda’s economy, and civil society.

The South Sudan economy is projected to contract by 4.1 percent in FY2020/21, with growth negatively affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, lower oil production, floods, and increased conflict intensity in parts of the country.

This third edition of the Zimbabwe Economic Update (ZEU) aims to provide both a current and historical background covering the pre-pandemic (2019) and pandemic (2020 to April 2021) period.

This document presents some of the main routes by which R4D can contribute to agricultural transformation in the Sahel towards inclusive and sustainable economic growth, social development and resilience, including climate smart agricultural technologies appropriate to smallholder farming families.

India saw 1.67 million deaths —18% of total mortality— due to air pollution in 2019. However, the impacts of air pollution are not limited to health but also on the economic front.

Culture and creativity have untapped potential to deliver social, economic, and spatial benefits for cities and communities. Cultural and creative industries are key drivers of the creative economy and represent important sources of employment, economic growth, and innovation, thus contributing to city competitiveness and sustainability.
