Tunisia's economic recovery slowed in 2022 while the current account and fiscal deficit rose amid mounting global energy and food prices and more working-age people stayed out of the labor market amid diminishing job prospects, according to the World Bank's Spring edition 2023 of the Tunisia Economic Monitor.

The baseline study presents findings on the current status of ratification, domestication, implementation, and reporting of global and regional instruments on women’s rights and gender equality in the four Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

In November 2022, the world crossed a milestone of 8 billion people, but a new analysis suggests the global population could peak just below 9 billion people in 2050 then start falling. The new projection is significantly lower than several prominent population estimates, including those of the United Nations.

In November 2022, the world crossed a milestone of 8 billion people, but a new analysis suggests the global population could peak just below 9 billion people in 2050 then start falling. The new projection is significantly lower than several prominent population estimates, including those of the United Nations.

This report analyses progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific as well as the availability of data. It shines a spotlight on countries that have demonstrated a commitment to achieve sustainable development.

Delhi’s per capita income is estimated to have grown by 7.54%, from ₹2.52 lakh in 2021-22 to ₹2.72 lakh in the current fiscal, according to the Economic Survey of Delhi 2022-23 . The per capita income of Delhi has been around 2.6 times higher than the national average, said the report.

In February 2023, Stock Market indicators from selected African markets, showed mixed trends on monthly and annual basis.

In 2022, the Emergency Event Database EM-DAT recorded 387 natural hazards and disasters worldwide, resulting in the loss of 30,704 lives and affecting 185 million individuals. Economic losses totaled around US$ 223.8 billion. Heat waves caused over 16,000 excess deaths in Europe, while droughts affected 88.9 million people in Africa.

Essential workers who kept families, societies and economies going while the world was on COVID lockdown, need better pay and conditions urgently, if countries are to future-proof themselves from the next global crisis, UN labour experts said in this report.

All African countries need better and more jobs for their growing populations. "Digital Africa: Technological Transformation for Jobs" shows that broader use of productivity-enhancing, digital technologies by enterprises and households is imperative to generate such jobs, including for lower-skilled people.
