Renewable electricity capacity additions broke another record in 2021 and biofuels demand almost recovered to pre-Covid levels, despite the continuation of logistical challenges and increasing prices.

The pace of emissions reductions of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter, “China”) over the coming decades will be an important factor in global efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Distributed energy resources (DERs) are small-scale energy resources usually situated near sites of electricity use, such as rooftop solar panels and battery storage. Their rapid expansion is transforming not only the way electricity is generated, but also how it is traded, delivered and consumed.

Based on a survey of 1,600 farmers in Haryana, this report finds that agricultural electricity subsidies are not well targeted and that wealthier farmers in Haryana received 50% of the agricultural electricity subsidies while the poorest farmers only received 30%.

The Ministry of Power issued a gazette notification that distribution licensees must ensure 24/7 uninterrupted power supply to all the consumers residing in cities with 100,000 or more residents to prevent the need for polluting diesel generators.

Electricity access remains a significant global challenge, with only incremental progress made to date towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) – access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has released its annual statistics on power generation in South Africa for the year 2021. Highlights include the increased contribution of renewable energy technologies to the total energy mix, and loadshedding in 2021 overtaking 2020 as the most intensive year of loadshedding to date.

This report contains the latest developments and good practices to develop grid connection codes for power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy – solar photovoltaic and wind. The analysis is an update of the 2016 IRENA report Scaling up variable renewable power: The role of grid codes.

This paper discusses the results of a study in Bangalore, India where behaviorally designed household energy reports helped reduce energy use by 7 percent among participating households.

The Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas on 08.02.2022 has issued Regulations for use of Power Generating Sets for effective control of air pollution in Delhi-NCR.
