This paper discusses the results of a study in Bangalore, India where behaviorally designed household energy reports helped reduce energy use by 7 percent among participating households.

The Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas on 08.02.2022 has issued Regulations for use of Power Generating Sets for effective control of air pollution in Delhi-NCR.

The world has made the transition from one dominant form of energy to another several times. The replacement of fossil fuels with renewables marks the next historic shift. Yet, to ensure sustainability and global climate stability, this latest energy transformation needs to happen much faster.

India’s National Hydrogen Mission, launched in August 2021, seeks to scale up renewable electrolysis hydrogen (“green” hydrogen) production and use it in multiple sectors, including transportation. This is encouraging, as green hydrogen offers significant decarbonization potential.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on carbon emissions in Europe. In 2020, emissions from stationary installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) declined by 11.4% (surpassing the 9% decrease seen in 2019). Aviation was even more acutely impacted.

The paper studies the design and performance of three schemes Suryashakti Kisan Yojana (SKY) in Gujarat, Surya Raitha Scheme in Karnataka, and the Solar BLDC Pump Pilot in Andhra Pradesh—that predated the launch of KUSUM’s Component C in Tamil Nadu.

An energy system centred on renewable energy can help resolve many of Africa’s social, economic, health and environmental challenges. A profound energy transition is not only feasible, it is essential for a climate-safe future in which sustainable development prerogatives are met.

The year 2021 placed exceptional demands on electricity markets around the world. Strong economic growth, combined with more extreme weather conditions than in 2020, including a colder than average winter, boosted global electricity demand by more than 6% – the largest increase since the recovery from the financial crisis in 2010.

The Ministry of Power through a notification dated 20th December, 2021 has issued the draft Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and related matters) Rules, 2021.

Rapid growth of distributed photovoltaics (DPV) has upended the paradigm of one-way power from the grid. Solar electricity systems located close to consumers empower them to self-supply and feed into the grid. For utilities, the impacts—positive or negative—depend on how DPV is deployed.
