Mobile phone handset maker Nokia plans to extend its handset take-back programme to 25 Indian cities by December this year. The company had introduced the first phase of the programme on January 1 this year through a pilot project covering four cities: Delhi, Gurgaon, Ludhiana and Bangalore

- Centre allows e-waste imports for recycling, activists cry foul
Hardware hazard

New Delhi, Sept. 22: The Centre has approved the first legally tenable import of electronic waste for responsible recycling, angering environmental groups who say millions of kilograms of domestic e-waste is recycled hazardously.

When the employees of Hewlett-Packard checked their mail box on June 30, they got a bit of a shock. William Shatner

Corporates pledge to reduce carbon emissions
Vibha Sharma
The research organisation, International Data Corporation

V. Rishi Kumar

Hyderabad, June 29 The Climate Group, an international organisation working for climate change, is in the process of forging a tech alliance with corporate houses and ministries of power, communication and IT.

Paid companies to discourage competitors

The world's biggest contract chipmaker, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, is considering diversifying away from chips for the first time in its 22-year history to combat declining industry margins.

Vendors today appear to be making significant strides in green areas, with clear regulatory or cost benefits. All firms are undoubtedly pursuing green initiatives for both reputation and business reasons, notes a Gartner survey. They have lowered their use of hazardous chemicals, reduced packaging and improved efficiency in power adaptors.

Writankar Mukherjee KOLKATA

GRAPHENE AND ITS HYDROGENATED COUNTERPART, GRAPHANE View image  I want to conduct...I want to insulate... practically all the elements of the periodic table find use in the modern electronic industry. Non-metals like sulphur hold on tightly to their electrons and so are good insulators; metals like copper do just the
