New Delhi The government is devising a scheme where old ACs and refrigerators can be replaced with energy efficient equipment, at a lesser cost.

This guide ranks leading mobile phone, TV and PC manufacturers on policies and practices to reduce their impact on the climate, produce greener products and make their operations more sustainable.

There are few places in China more notorious for environmental pollution than Taiyuan.

BHUBANESWAR: Leading hardware solutions provider, Jetking, on Thursday expressed interest in e-waste management in the State.

Bihar Industrial Incentive Policy-2011 for accelerated industrial development of the state.

The March 11 earthquake and tsunami probably pushed Sony to a $3.2 billion loss in the just-ended fiscal year, the electronics and entertainment giant warned Monday. It was the latest Japanese manufacturer to report a huge financial hit from the disaster.

An electricity pylon in front of a Sony plant in Tagajo, Japan.

The government on Wednesday announced energy efficiency label for laptops. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on Wednesday announced BEE Star Label version 1 for laptops. The guidelines are based on United States Energy version 5.

Calcutta is generating much more electronic waste than a few years back and very little of it is being recycled, increasing the risk of an environment disaster.

A recent study by the state pollution control board along with the central pollution control board, the Indian Chamber of Commerce and German organisation GiZ has found that nearly 26,000 tonnes of e-waste is generated in the Calcutta M

Special Economic Zones in India have been given many privileges to boost the trade and bring the exports of India to a respectable rank in terms of global scenario. Moreover, India's external trade has been rising with export growth rate of about 22% and the import growth rate of about 27% but the focus here will be to assess the external trade through special economic zones of India.

Google Inc has thrown its financial clout behind an ambitious $5 billion proposed electric transmission line intended to spark investment in new wind farms off the heavily populated US East Coast.

The move, which is a gamble as no offshore wind installations have yet been built in the United States, marks the internet search giant
