The City of Brotherly Love is tackling rising unemployment and improving the energy efficiency of homes by training people to weatherize its estimated 400,000 low-income row houses.

Edward Abraham, 28, is one of Philadelphia's first class of 20 "weatherization" trainees who are learning how to install insulation, caulk windows, seal basements and assess fuel usage in city houses.

In India, there are several norms, regulations, codes and standards to establish energy efficient buildings that have been evolved by various ministries and government bodies. The MNRE invited consultants to bid for an assignment which shall harmonize various energy efficiency and renewable energy related codes/standards/ norms and guidelines for buildings and larger habitats.

Environment Elisabeth Rosenthal and Felicity Barringer Light emitting diodes could decrease carbon dioxide emissions by up to 50 per cent in just over 20 years
TO CHANGE the bulbs in the 60-foothigh ceiling lights of Buckingham Palace

Development experts agree that ensuring access to sustainable
modern energy services is critical to achieving the Millennium
Development Goals. Some 2.4 billion people still use traditional
biomass fuels for cooking, often facing the risk of indoor air
pollution, while about 1.6 billion people have no access to
electricity. This report explores how international oil and

31 May 2009

The global meltdown led to expectations governments would use money to reinvent economies for climate change. The plan was simple: spend obscene amounts of public money in infrastructure and other projects, to stimulate national economies.

To change the bulbs in the 60-foot-high ceiling lights of Buckingham Palace

Is the

AHMEDABAD: One of the main clinchers for Ahmedabad being rated as the numero uno city to have implemented environment-friendly measures in its operations was cutting down on energy consumption.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) through UNDP has selected National Energy Conservation Centre (Enercon) to initiate a regional project titled 'Barrier Removal to Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling', in Pakistan costing $7.8 million of which an amount of $1million has been allocated to ease regional trade in energy efficient appliances.

The State Government has sanctioned 14.5 lakh new electricity connections in the past three years, according to an official spokesperson.

At least seven Assembly constituencies have achieved the target of total electrification.

Eighty more constituencies are aiming to achieve the target, which is under various stages of implementation.
