This brief draws on a two-year project that aimed to strengthen the capacities of farmers and government officials to understand and share appropriate climate information and best practices to inform agricultural decision-making in Nigeria.

At least 10,349 persons working in the farm sector ended their lives in 2018, accounting for 7.7 per cent of the total 1,34,516 suicides in the country, according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

Subsistence livestock production in Mpakeni community, South Africa, is crucial to enabling rural households to diversify their livelihood and spread risks. However, the frequent reoccurrences of drought have resulted in shortages of nutritious pastures in Mpakeni’s communal areas, posing significant threats to livestock production.

This study offers insights into Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) vis-à-via its effect on the economics of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh.

This study offers insights into Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) vis-à-via its effect on the economics of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh.

This paper examines the effect commercialization (sale ratio, market transaction, co-operative sale), and diversification (crop, animal husbandry, and non-farm diversification) may have on farmers’ income. In investigating so, this paper takes into account the structural factors which could also affect farmers' income.

The publication contains comprehensive information on various aspects of accidental deaths due to forces of nature and other causes such as road accidents, railway accidents, sudden deaths, drowning, poisoning, falls, fire accidents, snake bites etc.

The publication contains comprehensive information on various aspects of accidental deaths due to forces of nature and other causes such as road accidents, railway accidents, sudden deaths, drowning, poisoning, falls, fire accidents, snake bites etc.

The Odisha cabinet approved Agriculture Policy 2020 to boost farmer income with focus on providing market linkages and technical support.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on farm incomes, 10/12/2019. The latest available estimates of average income per agricultural household in the country are based on the “Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households” conducted by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) during its 70th round (January 2013 – December 2013).
